Human Evolution 2

When we will live longer, when we will get older, our minds will develop more and more, we will be able to travel long distances in space and time. When we will have a view over longer developments on our planet, we can take a long journey on space seeking for another sun. Intelligent life merges to more and more complex forms of organization.
Maybe we are thinking wrong. For intelligent beings living in space and able to travel between
star systems, universe is their habitat and no longer a planet.
If it is not possible for us in our present form of existence, to travel far away to other solarsystems with planets, why we should not consider the possibility of changing our existence in the future, a change which creates the conditions for us to travel in space and to exist in space?
There is no chance for us to survive in space, just existing in a body as we have now. Evolution has
taken a long time, and it will still require changes if we want to survive in space, this will only work with our technology. If we once are able to leave our earth and advance into space, we will not want to travel to another planet, but we will have achieved
a different form of existence.

When we have realized that we cannot travel long disdances through our universe with the current technical resources, we can change that and maybe create the conditions for travel. Lifeforms on Earth first have been adjusted to water.
New forms of living beings developed when the sea creatures went ashore and evolution developed creatures able to exist in an atmosphere. These creatures also changed
landscape and atmosphere. New creatures emerged, they have not been the same ones that were still living in the oceans. According to this we ourselves will develop new bodies, probably with our technical means, bodies which may be able to exist in space without any problems. The creatures living on ground stay there, they rarely go back into the oceans. They have changed their body and adapted. Similarly, there might be a form of existence, we humans will evolve to in symbiosis with our technology because of our intervention into evolution - so that we can exist in space - an existence which will not return to a planet. Space could be the new living area for this form life.
Development of intelligence
Development of intelligence is a natural process of evolution everywhere in the universe. Our planet at this time is a heaven for life in comparison to the environmental conditions on other planets.
Perhaps the next natural evolutionary step is
to change our own form of existence with our technology so that we open up the universe
as our living space. This could also be the next step of evolution of other intelligent living beings on planets orbiting around distant suns similar to our own sun. Perhaps these intelligent creatures have already done this step.
Maybe time for living beings that may exist in the universe flies differently than on Earth, possibly relativistic, which means that time for them runs much slower than for us on a planet, they could consider vast distances in time and space as normal disdances for them. Periods of 1000s of years for us and distances of 1000s of light years, would be normal disdances and time periods for creatures living in space in relativistic speed, nearly moving with the speed of light, which they can walk through easily. These intelligences would not be interested in communicating with us as living on a planet, as long as we have not developed
their technological standard. Text: copyright Friedrich Hornischer 2013.
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